Some of the new features:
- Server updated to the latest release and restarted freshly after installing OS updates
Lots of small monument changes, such as:
- 7 CCTV cameras added to Cargo Ship + a Computer Station to it’s bridge so you can gain intel before raiding it, or check on other raiders locations (remember the hackable crates are PvP enabled, CCTV identifiers will be sent to everyone upon a cargo ships arrival) (see pics)
- Gas Stations & Supermarket should have car lifts now, for easier refitting and repairs (see pic)
- I’ve not given out personal recyclers (yet?), but instead increased their speed (yesterday) and added them to Cargo Ship (Front, Back & Bottom), Large Oil Rig levels 4 & 6, Small Oil Rig levels 3 & 4, the Dome, the small and large fishing villages, large Barn and the Ranch (this is to stimulate people living their houses, remember taking the flightpath back to capitals in WoW to go the the auction house?!
- I’ve added Airwolf vendors to the Large Barn, the Ranch the Fishing Villages and the Outpost; so that’ s no longer limited to the Bandit Camp only
- Added cooking options (BBQ / camp fire / hobo barrel) to certain monuments that lacked them
- Added 6 CCTV’s and one computer station to each underground Train Station
And finally some small things that I won’t spoil yet
Let me know if anything is not working as intended!