To make the server nicer for everyone, the search for plugins is never done.
This time we have chosen to add these features:
- Scrap Transport Helicopters can now be saved when in too deep waters (no more drowning helicopters!) Do remember that you still suffer from wetness 🌊 and oxygen loss 🤿
- The Chinook 🚁 now drops crates at random locations. Plus, hackable crates stay on the map for 48 hours and only takes 5 min to hack! 😮
- You now have the ability to make high quality items when crafting
1 – The column icon brings you to the crafting UI
2 – Lets you see the star/s above your HQ items ⭐
3 – Gives you information about the different items 🔍

- Loaded ammo count of current weapon 🔫, plus the total of those specific bullets in your inventory is now shown on the right side of your HUD

We hope that you will enjoy these changes.
Stay safe!
Super handy and nice additions indeed, thanks to the both leaders here!
Be sure to checkout the HQ crafting options. Although the interface looks simple (‘just’ 3 icons eh?), the backend of this plugins holds a smart multi-layered upgrade path which makes it interesting to progress through and find out the extra boosts it provides.
Godspeed and good luck everyone!